Finnur Arnar Arnarson
Einkasýning í Nýlistasafninu 1996
One-man show at the Living Art Museum, Reykjavik, 1996

Skrapp upp

krappverk er ákveðin tegund verka sem ég hef unnið. Skrappverk er fullt af smáatriðum sem öll hafa að geyma ákveðna sögu. Hvert verk segir ákveðna sögu þar sem hversdagsleiki sögupersónunnar er kynntur áhorfendum. Afstaða eða hugarheimur sögupersónunnar eru þungamiðja verksins.  

Went up - Back in a Moment

My "Back in a Moment" work is a certain type of narrative installation. These installations are full of details which together tell a story about the everyday reality of the character involved. This particular installation concerns an elderly woman who has been shopping for dinner and, while she was at it, bought a picture of the President of Iceland and the First Lady. On her way home she stopped by at the Living Art Museum and went up to the second floor leaving her bags behind.
Eat and believe. We seem to need a leader — a king, a queen, a president. The President of Iceland used to be a politican, but after he was elected people began to perceive him differently. He tours regularly all around the country and people stand in lines just to shake his hand.

Skrapp upp /Went up
Starfsmenn ríkis og bæjar / Public Employees
Ferilskrár / CV