
Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson
Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson starfar jöfnum höndum sem myndlistamaður og rithöfundur. Myndverk hans hafa verið kynnt víða um heim á undanförnum árum en af þeim nýjustu má nefna "FERÐIST FRÍTT TIL ÍSLANDS" á sýningunni "Welcome to the Art World" í Badischer Kunstverein í Karlsruhe árið 1999, myndröðina HEIMSÓKNARTÍMA í galleríum í Hollandi, Þýskalandi og á Íslandi og SJÓNÞING í Gerðubergi í september 1999. Þorvaldur hefur skrifað mikið fyrir sjónvarp, útvarp og leiksvið auk bóka, en sú nýjasta, "Ég heiti Blíðfinnur, en þú mátt kalla mig Bóbó" hlaut m.a. Barnabókaverðlaun Fræðsluráðs Reykjavíkur sem besta barnabók ársins 1998.
Um framlag sitt til @-verkefnisins segir Þorvaldur: Til að kanna veruleikaskyn gesta sinna býður listamaðurinn þeim upp á sérstaka lyfjameðferð innan sýndarveruleikans. Með hennar hjálp munu þeir skilja verk annarra listamanna dýpri skilningi og jafnframt njóta þeirrar ómældu fegurðar sem veruleikinn einn getur boðið upp á. Ofskynjanir í sýndarveru eru nefnilega grunsamlega líkar hversdagsleika reglumannsins.
Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson
07.11.60 Akureyri, Iceland
1977-´81 School of Fine Art, Akureyri, Iceland
1981-´82 University of Iceland, (Icelandic and Literature)
1983-´87 Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavík, (BA)
1987-´89 Jan van Eyck Akademie, Maastricht, Holland (Master)
Selected Solo-exhibitions and Projects
1987 Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland (with Húbert Nói)
1989 De Gele Rijder, Arnhem, Holland (with Britta Huttenlocker)
1989 Eight installations in Credit Lyonnais Bank Nederland
1989 Lumen Travo Galerie, Amsterdam, Holland
1990 Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium (with Guillaume Bijl)
1991 Lumen Travo Galerie, Amsterdam, Holland
1991 Galerie nemo, Eckernförde, Germany
1992 Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
1992 Mokka, Reykjavík, Iceland
1992 Cultural Centre, Reykjavík, Iceland
1993 Slunkaríki, Ísafjördur, Iceland
1993 The Corridor, Reykjavík, Iceland
1993 Mokka, Reykjavík, Iceland
1994 Lumen Travo Galerie, Amsterdam, Holland
1994 Perlan, Reykjavík, Iceland
1995 Galerie Van den Berge, Goes, Holland
1995 Hörri´s second floor, Seydisfjördur, Iceland
1995 The window, Akureyri, Iceland
1995 Gallery Greip, Reykjavík, Iceland
1996 Gallerí gúlp, Reykjavík, Iceland
1996 Akureyri Municipal Art Museum, Iceland
1996 Norska Husid, Stykkisholmur, Iceland
1997 Gallery Ingolfsstræti 8, Reykjavík, Iceland
1998 Marilyn... installation in an United Airlines flight between LA and NY, USA
1998 Gallery 20m2, Reykjavík, Iceland
1998 Reykjavík Star-Street-Map, (Happening/installation with Jóní Jónsdóttir) Fish Gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland
1999 Visiting Hour, Galerievan den Berge, Goes, Holland
1999 "Retrospective" (with a seminar) Reykjavik Cultural Center, Iceland
1999 Visiting Hour, Gallery Saevar Karl, Reykjavik, Iceland
1999 LIEDERABEND Galerie NEMO, Eckernförde, Germany
2000 The Corridor, Reykjavik, Iceland
In progress:
Untitled project in Söderhamn, Sweden
Project for Kiel Kunsthalle, Kiel, Germany
Untitled project for the FRAC institute, Montpellier, France
Selected Group Exhibitions and Projects
1989 Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
1990 "Zelfportretten", Rumpff Gallery, Haarlem, Holland
1990 "For real now", Hoorn, Holland
1990 Reykjavík Art Festival, Iceland
1991 "Build on water", Goes, Holland
1991 Galerie Van den Berge, Goes, Holland
1991 "Klimaat", Lumen Travo Galerie, Amsterdam
1991 AURORA, Nordic Art Centre Helsinki, Finland/Kulturhuset
Stockholm, Sweden
1992 Contemporary Icelandic Sculpture, Reykjavík Art Festival
1992 NORDSKEN, Kunsthallen, Gothenburg, Sweden
1992 "Three Icelandic Artists", Galleriet, Vaxjö, Sweden
1993 "EQUILIBRIUM", Riga, Latvia
1993 "16 days" Video & performance, Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
1994 "The male image" Cultural Center, Reykjavík, Iceland
Art Museum, Iceland
1994 Sommerbeelden, Goes, Holland
1995 PORT OF ART, Kotka, Finland
1995 Forest Flora, Hallormsstadur, Iceland
1995 Icelandic Art, Reykjavík Municipal Art Museum, Iceland
1995 STREETS Helsinki Art Hall, Finland
1996 National Gallery, Reykjavík, Iceland.
1996 "Phone" / CONTAINER 96, Cophenhagen, Denmark
1997 "Office of Dreams" / NORDICA, Helsinki, Finland
1998 NUIT BLANCHE, Musée d´Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
1998 THE BATH HOUSE Installation with Miss World, Linda Pétursdóttir in the Living Art Museum, Reykjavík, Iceland
1998 JUNGE KUNST INTERNATIONAL, Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany
1998 Maria Magdalena-Vrouw+Man-Raadsel, Goes, Holland
1999 OMSTILLING, Jungersted & Brostrøm, Cophenhagen, Denmark
1999 WELCOME TO THE ART WORLD, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe Germany
1999 Kultur Bahnhof Eller, Düsseldorf, Germany
1999 MILLENIUM SHOW National Gallery, Reykjavik Iceland
2000 SHOOT/moving pictures by artists, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden
In progress:
OMSTILLING, Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Sweden
AMATEUR. Variable Research Initiatives 1900/2000, Göteborgs
Konstmuseum, Sweden
Open Air Exhibition in Helsinki
Curatorial work: John Baldessari show in Reykjavik, November 2000
Selected books:
1986 "The Message Pouch" (Children´s book, text & illustrations. MM, Reykjavík)
1987 "Hundred events" (Texts & reproductions of own paintings. Reykjavík)
1988 Jokes, Fairy Tales, Memoirs and Games (Texts. Amsterdam/Maastricht)
1989 Openings (Changed photographs. Maastricht)
1991 States (Cut photographs. Nemo, Eckernförde)
1992 "An Angel in the Audience" (Texts. Bjartur, Reykjavík)
1998 "Ég heiti Blidfinnur en thu matt kalla mig Bobo" (title not yet translated) (Children´s novel, Bjartur, Reykjvík)
Stage plays:
1992 "In Honour of the Occasion" (One-act play, 30 min.) performed by the
Pinter- Theatre in Reykjavík.
1993 "The Message Pouch" (Fairy-Tale Musical, 120 min.) performed on the
main stage of the National Theatre in Reykjavík, ´93-´94.
1995 "Talespin" (Drama, 110 min.) performed at the Theatre of Icelandic
School of Drama, Reykjavík.
1996 Fairy-Tale about love (Monologue, 20 minutes) performed at the Thetre of the Icelandic School of Drama, Reykjavík
1997 LIVE (Drama, 120 min.) performed at the Flugfélagið LofturTheatre, Reykjavík, Iceland.
1998 THE FATHER - THE SON (Drama) Performed at the Hermódur and Hádvör Hafnarfjördur, Iceland
1999 Fairy-Tale about love, full lenght version with songs, performed at the Coffie Theatre, Reykjavik Iceland
In progress:
Untitled new play for the Reykjavik City Theatre
Television and radio:
1991/92 The Pocket Theatre, 52 weekly Performances. Icelandic State
Radio/Channel 2 (script and performance)
1996 The Pocket Theatre, 15 weekly Performances on Icelandic State TV
(script and direction)
1996 The Christmas Calendar, 24 episodes, 6 minutes each, Icelandic State
TV (script)
1997 3 short plays (20 min. each) Icelandic State TV (script)
1999 JESUS IS CLOSER TO HOME, a documentary on the Amsterdam Red Light, Districht (with Olafur Johannesson) 28 min. (idea and direction)
1999 Mittens for Grandfather, a short TV film for Children (script)
1991-1998 Teaching, lectures and courses including the Icelandic
College of Arts and Crafts, Reykjavik; California Institute for the
Arts, Valencia, Cal.; Art Center, Pasadena, Cal.; AKI Enschede
Holland, Icelandic University College of Education and University of
Iceland Extramural Programme.
From 1991 Director of the Pocket Theatre.
From 1994 Head curator at MIT (Museum of Imaginary Totality)
Public Collections:
Reykjavík Municipal Museum
National Gallery of Iceland
Akureyri Municipal Museum
The Living Art Museum, Reykjavík
PTT Holland
City of Hoorn, Holland
Ignatius Ziekenhuis, Breda Holland
Book-works in the collection of Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris, Victoria and Albert Museum in London and in private collections in Holland, Belgium, Germany, U.S.A. and Russia.
1991 Closed competition for sculpture in Reykjavík City Hall, Iceland
(5 selected artists)
1993 Closed competition for sculpture in centre of Seydisfjördur, Iceland.
(3 selected artists)
2000 Closed competition for Millenium Sculpture in Reykjavik city, Iceland
Prizes, etc.:
1992 VISA Iceland Culural price, for visual art.
1993 6-months visual artist´s stipend, from the Icelandic Ministry of Culture.
1993 Nomination for the DV cultural prize, both for visual arts and litterature.
1994 6-months writer´s stipend, from the Icelandic Ministry of Culture.
1996 3-years visual artist´s stipend, from the Icelandic Ministry of Culture.
1997 Nomination for the DV cultural prize for visual arts.
1997 SERRA PRIZEWINNER Award from the Richard Serra Fund.
1999 Best Children Book of the Year 1998 - Avard from Reykjavík City for the book "Ég heiti Blidfinnur en thu matt kalla mig Bobo"