
Ómar Stefánsson
Being a painter myself I decided I must make a tunnel out of paintings. A sort of reality tunnel to quote the herrendoktorenprofessoren. Inside would be a verbal lottery, a Jonathan Swift style poem that serves as an oracle for the spectator/Avatar. This would then require sound to utilise the properties of
the home computer which, it was decided, would be the arena for this work.
I liked to create the impression of uncertainty as the spectator walks through "empty " spaces, where "nothing" happens as a prelude to the more hostile environments, where the Avatar experiences some of the beauty and horrors of violence, entertainment, organisation and religious fervour. The whole thing is based on ideas about Persephones quest and the mysteries of Eleusis in Greece where the initiate entered a cave to experience unspeakable things (see also the Sumerian myth of Inanna traveling through the underworld, the Egyptian Isis etc.). I thought especially about "The philosophers mountain" from the middle ages. A seven storey mountain where each tier represents a stage in a process. In this case the idea is channelled through similar pictures or icons from the anarchists depicting the pyramidal structure of society where the opressors, the priests and aristocracy, are protected by the military against the masses.
The seven tiered mountain in this version has the lowest plane, the tunnels, caves or mines, where the physical work is done, represented here by the spectator who finds himself participating in this scheme. The second tire houses the military force used to keep the workers in line. The third includes the entertainment industry that feeds the boredom. The fourth contains the offices of bureucracy that are needed to make everything work. The fifth represent the "belief " behind it all. In this case, thinking about the people of Iran choosing religion over liberty, the rise of fundamentalism in in USA, religious mass suicides etc. The sixth, the angels and demons are emissaries and defenders of our true oppressors from a hidden world shown here as a black sun (seventh or the top floor), which is also a curious element of medieval mythology and has been utilised by the Nazi party in Germany. But first of all this is supposed to be fun above all else, and as one technician asked me during the making of this project: "What is the point ?" The point is: Make a point, in time and in time, make history.
Ómar Stefánsson
Curriculum Vitae
1977-1981 M.H.Í, nýlistadeild.
1982-1986 Hochscule der kunste á v/ prof. Klaus Fussmann.
Einkasýning á netinu frá ´94 (sjá this.is/inferno 5 )
1999: Á Seyði, listahátíð á Seyðisfirði
1999: Gallerý Fold
1997: Gallerý " 22 "
1996: Gallerí Hornið.
1995: Gallerí 22.
1993: Kunsthalle Turku Finnland.
1993: Café Splitt.
1991: Gallerí yfir strikið.
1986: Gallerí svart á hvítu.
1985: Café Gestur.
1981: Rauða Húsið. Akureyri.
1976: Mokka.
2000: @ Projekt
2000: Listasafn ASÍ; "Biggi býður"
1999: Samnorræn myndasögusýning í Norræna húsinu og bók
1998: Projekt 98 Listaskálinn í Hveragerði
1998: Sýning fyrir allt, og tímarit fyrir allt, Seyðisfirði
1997: Fjölnir, myndlistarsýning Hafnarhúsinu Rvk
1995: Gallerí Greip og Við Hamarinn ,Hafnarf.
1991: Gallerí Overgaden, Kaupmannah.
1990: Nonaginta, Hafnarborg.
1989: Nýl. safn.
1988: Undir Pilsfaldinum.
1988: Listahátíð Rvk.
1987: IBM Kjarvalstaðir.
1987: Nýl. safn.
1986: Nýl. safn.
1985: Gallerí Pedersen. V. Berlín.
1984: Útgefin. Hazard Zone í Berlín.
1984 : Gallerí Kleisther. V. Berlín.
1983: Stúdentakjallarinn.
1983: Gallerí Handschin. Basel
1983: Veggmálverk á Hauptbanhof. Basel.
1983: Nýl. safn.
1982: "7". Norræna Húsið
1982: Gallerí Lækjartorg.
1981: Nýl. safn.
1979: Gallerí Suðurgata 7.
Listmiðlun Inferno 5.
2000: " Spaceship Vatican" Stuttmynd Inferno 5
1995: Vísiakademía Bjarna Þórarinssonar í Nýl. safn.
1993 Das Unbekannte Tier. Stuttgart
1993: NGA. Festival Stuttgart
1993: "16, Dagar" Nýl. safn.
1992: "Galdramessa" Gauk á Stöng.
1992: Útg. 6 hljóðsnældur frá ´85-´92.
1992: Shad Thames Galleries London.
1992: Smiths Galleries London.
1992: Turku Finnl.
1991: "Eitthvað er í hafinu" í garðinum á N1.
1991: "Níunda nóttin og klámkórinn" Fagrihv. Hafnarf.
1990: "Níunda nóttin" N1.
1990:" Heilun. 22.
1989:" Mannlegt eðli" og Tónverkir á Landjuwell hátíðinni Holland.
1989: Melkweg Amsderdam.
1989:" Fremtidens Rum " Kaupannah.
1989:" Rakgaldrar og "Hnefarétturinn" á Projektil nýl. safn.
1989: "Rykdjöflar" Nýl. safn.
1988: "Chrysocolla" Draghálsi.
1988: " Ísland er best" og " Ljóðsen Hljóðsen" Undir Pilsfaldinum.
1987: "Klumbudans" og "Líf á líkbörum" Snæfellsás, Arnarstapa.
1986: Nýl. safn
1986: " Hjólað í hringi" Árnanes , Hornaf.
1985: " Allt sem börnum er bannað" Café Gestur.
1984: Stofnun í Nýl, safn.
Ótaldir eru fjöldi tónleika víðsvegar um heimsbyggðina.
Netfang Inferno 5(http:this is/Inferno 5.)
2000: @ CD
1999: "Ómar Stefánsson" Multimedia CD
1996: " Angeli Demoniaque Omnigena imbecilli Sunt" Inferno 5 CD
1982-1995: Myndasögublaðið " Bandormur " ( nýtt í vinnslu plús eitt handrit óútgefið )
1985-1990: Fimm kassettur með tónlist Inferno 5, hægt að fá sem CD.
1995: " Málverk og skissur " , bók
1989: " Projekt grafík " grafíkmappa
1985: " Hazard zone" Grafíkbók ásamt Birni Roth
1982: " Bruni BB " Kassetta
1980: " Bók um bók o.fl." Bók með nýlistadeild MHÍ
1980 " Island Symfonie" fyrir Hermann Nitsch
1979: "Summer music" fyrir Diethr Roth